9 - IAP

Impact Absorbing Pavements with Improved Accessibility Features


To develop Impact Absorbing Pavements for footpaths and bike-lanes improving the state-of-the-art surface materials that make use of waste tyre rubber and other recycled materials from pavements. Walkability and rideability in different surface conditions (3D pattern, contaminants, aging) are assessed with specific care in the design of accessible pavements from the elderly people and disabled perspectives.

  • Task 9.1: collect the state-of-the-art paving solutions for IAPs. In particular, from the MSCA-ITN-SAFERUP project (PROTECTVU) completed in 2022 at UNIBO. Assessment of the available TRL of the material, aiming to TRL7-8 and transition to full scale application.
  • Task 9.2: full characterization of improved materials including recycled aggregates (e.g. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement), surface-treated waste crumb rubber and cold applied bio-binders from industry (ITERCH supervision) and from DC10 work at UNIBO/UNICAL/ITERCH.
  • Task 9.3: real scale testing of the novel IAPs against durability, road safety, environmental impact (leaching) and risk of injuries. Connections with the research activities of DC7 at RISE and DC8 at NTNU in order to assess the novel IAP in different surface conditions (wet, ice).
  • Task 9.4: assess the walkability/rideability of IAP paved surfaces in a relevant urban scenario (PEARL lab@UCL), including the participation of elderly and disabled people and with the scientific contribution of FONCE on the spatial perception of disabled users.

Expected Results

  • Validation of a novel sustainable, accessible and durable IAP surfacing material for urban footpaths and bike-lanes.
  • Identification of feasible industrial-scale production method and paving techniques for the novel material (ITERCH supervision).
  • Technical guidelines and testing protocols for the lab and in-situ assessment of the impact-absorption and accessibility of the new surfaces.

Host Institution

Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna UNIBO


Cesare Sangiorgi – UNIBO, Italy

Nick Tyler – UCL, United Kingdom

José Luis Borau – FONCE, Spain

Loretta Venturini – ITERCHIMICA, Italy

Christina Makoundou – RISE, Sweden


Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering DICAM

Via Terracini 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy



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